U.S. Export Shipping Affected by International Regulatory Changes

U.S. Export Delivery Affected by Worldwide Regulatory Modifications

The Nationwide Institute of Requirements and Know-how (NIST) famous that the World Commerce Group (WTO) has been notified by many international locations of proposed regulatory adjustments which will have an effect on U.S. exports of the next merchandise which might be listed.

  • Costa Rica – pesticides
  • Mexico – plane, engines, propellers and fittings
  • Oman – meals grade salt
  • Peru – pharmaceutical merchandise, medication
  • Singapore – meals
  • United Arab Emirates – motor automobiles

For full and extra detailed info on the regulatory adjustments for the international locations listed or for different international locations please go tohttp://gsi.nist.gov/international/index.cfm.

In case you are a U.S. exporting enterprise involved about whether or not this straight impacts your corporation, please contact us and we are going to be sure you handle your whole issues.

Extra blogs on worldwide transport:

Import and Export Affected by Sovereign Debt Disaster

Worldwide Delivery Affectd by New Meals Security Regulation

Hong Ho


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